Today c|net released an article which recommended TransitTimes+ as a top iPad travel app!
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Today c|net released an article which recommended TransitTimes+ as a top iPad travel app!
You can download TransitTimes+ from
The world’s biggest development banks have made a fundamental investment shift from roads to public transport, under a $175bn (£111bn) initiative to promote buses, trains and cycle lanes that was unveiled on Wednesday at the Rio+20 Earth summit.
After many requests from their customers, AWS (Amazon Web Services) have finally released an edge location in Australia!
The great news for TransitTimes users is that downloading database updates within the app will now be much faster, as it will be retrieving the file from a closer location (Sydney), instead of Asia or North America.
On June 21, 2012, American Public Transportation Association (APTA), in partnership with The Sierra Club, The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), and public transportation systems across the country will celebrate the 7th Annual National Dump the Pump Day.